IIT Roorkee Snippets
December 2022

New Year Greetings
Our heartiest New Year greetings to all the IIT Roorkee Community. We wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year and hope the New Year brings lots of happiness and joy to you and your family.

Hema & Prof. K.K. Pant

Anil Kumar Lahoti will be next Railway Board Chairman and CEO from January 1st 2023
IIT Roorkee alumni Shri Anil Kumar Lahoti, will be the next Railway Board Chairman and Chief Executive Officer from January 1, 2023.

Alumni of batch 1996 (including 1997 B.Arch.) has pledged a donation of Rs 1.14 crore
Alumni of batch 1996 (including 1997 B.Arch.) has pledged a donation of Rs 1.14 crore, on the event of Silver Jubilee Reunion celebration scheduled between Dec 09-11, 2022.

IIT Roorkee Development Foundation (IITRDF) and Shah Paper Mills Limited signed an MoU for establishing Research Laboratory and Skill Development Training Program
This Corporate Social Responsibility Program, under UN SDG Goal 4: Quality Education and Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure will help science graduates coming from rural and remote areas in the vicinity of industries. Students will be prepared as testers in paper effluent testing. Partnership with Shah Paper Mills Limited is a second such partnership in this direction. With IITRDF as an Industry-Academia partnership arm of IIT Roorkee, we are looking forward to creating and nurturing more such partnerships to meet global aspirations of Corporate Social Responsibility

IIT Roorkee planning to set up campus in Taiwan
IIT Roorkee Director said that the institute is well prepared to set up a campus outside India subject to go ahead of Education Ministry.

IIT Roorkee celebrated 55th INTER IIT SPORTS MEET
Many congratulations to the team IIT Roorkee who have emerged as the General Champions in the 55th Inter IIT Sports Meet. Students have brought us glory with this historic achievement for the first time ever in the Inter IIT Sports Meet! Institute was honoured to host Commandant N. Kunjarani Devi, recipient of Padmashri, Arjuna and Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Awards. Commandant N. Kunjarani Devi was Chief Guest for 55th INTER IIT SPORTS MEET inaugural ceremony which took place on 14th December 2022.

IIT Roorkee developed ‘SwasthGarbh’ smartphone App
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee researchers have developed ‘SwasthGarbh’ smartphone App for providing antenatal care and real-time medical support to pregnant women.

IIT Roorkee Researchers Develop Printable Edible Ink for Food Safety
The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee researchers have developed a water-based edible ink from plants for printing and packaging applications. The edible ink developed at the Department of Paper Technology, IIT Roorkee is manufactured from 100 percent plant-based material -- catechu without using any chemicals.